What Is The Enneagram and How Does It Orient Different Leadership Styles?

Leadership Styles and Mobility For many folks they show up to work or to life in general in different ways and with different viewpoints. In order to better help out others it is important to explore perspectives and to see how others view the world. When it comes to different ways of thinking the Enneagram is a nice way to portray worldview and behavior and bring it to a higher level of understanding. To help you really understand I will include the nine personality types as included in the enneagram. Read through these personality types and see where you may potentially identify. The nine various personality leadership styles are as follows: The King/Queen of Quality – A leader’s job is to set clear goals and direction. Their job is to provide feedback to others about what is right or wrong and inspire the team to achieve high standards.The Magic Mobilizer –A leader’s job is to assess the strengths and weaknesses of team members. The leader is to harness those strengths in others and motivate team members to deliver upon organizational goals while also developing themselves.The Results Raconteur – A leader’s job is to create a results-oriented atmosphere. The leader is to be a part of a winning team where people understand what the organization’s goals and structure is and where they fit in.The Passion Connector – A leader’s job is to create organizations that align with individual’s sense of meaning and greater purpose. The leader is to create teams that are inspired to do excellent, meaningful work. The Seeker Sage – Using the evidential approach to create success, this...

What Are The Most Essential Tools Every Person Should Have In Their Toolbox?

Tools Are you ever curious about what tools you should have ready in preparation for a quick fix or a do-it-yourself project? Many people have their own tools, but there are also a whole lot of people who simply borrow tools from others. In case you were wondering what types of tools to have ready at your disposal I have included a nice list. Here below is a list of various tools which would be wise to include in your OWN handy dandy tool box for when the occasion arises: Tape Measure Tape Measure – This tool is very useful for figuring out length, width, and height for various projects. It is very important to be precise and accurate with projects. As a result, having a measuring tool can be valuable asset to any simple task or complicated DIY project. Screw Driver Screw Drivers (Flat head, Philips) – Having various size screw drivers as part of your set is always going to come up handy. It is critical to have a combination of both flat head and Philips/Star screw drivers in both small and large standard sizes. Most typical projects require screw drivers for both loosening and tightening tasks. When you have screw drivers in your tool box, they will likely be put to good use! Hammer Hammer – Having a multitude of hammers available can be very necessary for project to be completed. It is going to be used whenever nails need be driven into wood. A hammer may be used with a chisel at times too. It will come up useful guaranteed! Mallet Mallet – Having a...

What Exercises Provide The Most Sense For Strength Training?

There is a plethora of options in the exercise world, but the real question is what is truly most effective and how is it effective? With the assortment of protocols that are out there many are not necessarily getting people true results due to the focus of machine guidance rather than fluid movements and light weight bearing exercises. In order to really get the most out of your workouts you need to increase your intensity levels while present at the gym. More importantly you also need to focus on functional exercises that you can do using the proper form and technique. When performing exercises it is highly critical to master the movement and to alternate exercises each day. Make sure to switch and cycle exercises up as you go through a program, in order to avoid becoming complacent with the same comfortable workouts. Part of performing better in the gym comes down to having the proper lifting exercises. Below I have listed some commonly known primary and secondary exercises to implement as part of a successful strength regimen: Overhead Press – This exercise is a good primary one to implement in order to build upper body strength and specifically target the shoulders and the anterior deltoid muscles. Overhead Kettlebell Press Squat – This primary exercise is excellent for core stability, strengthening the glutes, hamstrings, and quadriceps muscles in the legs. It can also assist with bicep strength while gripping and balancing the bar. Overall you will find HUGE gains in leg strength as well as stability with this essential exercise. Barbell Squat Bench Press – This primary exercise is...

Why The World Nowadays Is Just A Gigantic Show of Egos

The modern world has become very self-centered as many people are self-absorbed with social media and their smart phones. As a result there are a larger number of people who lack the ability to see outside of themselves and show true empathy. Despite self-absorbing lifestyles becoming more commonplace there are many people who are tuning more deeply into their intuition and talents. Being able to promote yourself and advertise yourself are crucial for professionalism as well as expanding and growing in any area. Whether you are concentrating on a career or building up your skills it is definitely essential to believe in your abilities and have a good idea of your strengths. Make sure to put forth your own talent for a company or for your own self-carved path. By expanding your ego and displaying that you have good teamwork skills and an ability to work cohesively with others and sharpen others strengths you are on the right track. The question surrounding ego’s is when it comes to show and entertainment. Why are many people eager to become something so large and expand their status? The primary reason for this behavior is many people are desperate for attention. The way of showcasing oneself to others for some is through expanding their own personality and their skills by becoming more egotistical. In this day in age everyone seems to have a short attention span and many are twiddling their thumbs looking for some new way to keep their time wisely occupied. If you don’t grab somebody’s attention in a short time-span they will easily get distracted and forget about what...

How To Help Build More Meaningful Relationships With Others

One of the most fulfilling parts of life is the relationships that you encounter with other people in every day life. A large part of our existence comes down to how we treat other people and how we share bonds and memories. Whether somebody happens to be a close friend, a work colleague, an elder, or a partner our life always feels deeper in purpose when we connect with other people. Each person has an innate desire to express love and to connect and create positive relationships in life. The types of relationships we have in life will always be different depending upon the person and how we cultivate our bonds with others. Remember, be kind to others, you may not know the heavy burden that other people may be carrying. Every person has a unique way to sustain connections with others, whether its spending time on a walk with somebody, going together to watch a monthly cinema in the theater, building a fence together, or meeting for a weekly coffee and brunch. There are specific ways that you can take steps in order to develop closer meaningful relationships if you feel like you are slipping up with people who matter most. Here are some ways you can build and maintain more meaningful relationships: Strive to become more aware of other people’s good qualities. It doesn’t matter what the faults of others are, just become more aware of what they’re best at and focus on those qualities. Know that every person has unique abilities and talents even though some of their talents may still be undiscovered. Take time and...